How To Slice Homemade Bread?

Slicing homemade bread is a delicate task that requires a little finesse to maintain the texture and shape of the loaf. It’s best to let the bread cool completely before you begin, making cutting neat, even slices easier. The right tool is also crucial a good, sharp serrated bread knife is essential. With a steady hand, appropriate technique, and a little patience, you can create perfectly sliced homemade bread for sandwiches, toasts, or to enjoy with a slather of butter.

Why Slice Your Own Bread?

Why Slice Your Own Bread
Sliced bread

Slicing your own bread not only ensures that you get the perfect slice every time but also allows you to control the thickness and freshness of each slice. Moreover, it’s an essential skill for any home baker who wants to impress family and friends with their homemade creations.

Choosing The Right Tools

Choosing The Right Tools
Slicing Bread with perfect tool


To slice homemade bread, you’ll need the right tools to make the process easier and more efficient. Here are some essential tools to consider:

Bread Knives: A sharp, serrated bread knife is a must-have tool for slicing bread. The knife’s serrated edge can cut through the crust without crushing the soft interior. Look for a knife with a long blade (at least 10 inches) to handle different loaf sizes.

Bread Slicers: If you want consistent slices every time, consider investing in a bread slicer. These devices come in various styles, from adjustable guides to electric slicers. Choose one that suits your needs and budget.

Cutting Boards: A sturdy cutting board will provide a stable surface for slicing bread. Opt for a board with a crumb-catching groove to keep your workspace clean.

Techniques For Slicing Homemade Bread

Now that you have the right tools, it’s time to learn the proper techniques for slicing homemade bread.

Letting the Bread Cool: Before slicing your bread, it’s crucial to let it cool down for at least 30 minutes to an hour. Cutting into a hot loaf can cause the bread to become gummy and difficult to slice.

Scoring the Loaf
Scoring your loaf before baking can make it easier to slice later.

Scoring the Loaf: Scoring your loaf before baking can make it easier to slice later. Use a sharp knife or a lame (a specialized bread-slashing tool) to create shallow cuts on the surface of the dough. This will help control the direction in which the bread expands during baking and create a guide for slicing.

Slicing Bread Evenly
Slicing Bread Evenly with knife

Slicing Bread Evenly: Use a gentle sawing motion with your bread knife to achieve even slices. Apply consistent, gentle pressure while keeping the blade perpendicular to the cutting board. Avoid pushing down too hard, as this can crush the bread.

How To Slice Homemade Bread With A Knife?

How To Slice Homemade Bread With A Knife
Slicing Homemade Bread With A Knife

Step1. Before slicing, make sure that the bread has cooled down completely. Hot, freshly baked loaves are more likely to crumble when cut.

Step 2. Use a serrated knife for cutting homemade bread, such as a bread knife, or even a dull kitchen knife for steak and other dishes. This will help the slices stay intact instead of crumbling apart.

Step 3. Place the entire loaf on a cutting board and slice carefully. Start by slicing down through the middle of the bread before making cuts to one side or the other for whatever thickness of slices you desire.

Step 4. For thinner slices, apply even pressure when slicing and move the knife slowly and steadily. If you’re slicing a baguette or other thin-crusted bread, keep the slices as thin as possible for more uniform pieces.

Step 5. When finished with the cutting, put any extra slices into an airtight container or freezer bag. This will help maintain freshness and extend the shelf-life of the bread. Toasting is always an option for day-old or frozen slices.

How To Slice Bread With A Bread Slicer?

Step 1. Ensure the bread slicer is clean and the blades are sharp before use.

Step 2. Place the loaf of bread on top of the slicer’s cutting surface, and secure it by turning the locking handle to hold it in place.

Step 3. Adjust the slicing knob to set your desired thickness for the slices.

Step 4. Push down on the slice lever to cut a single slice at once.

Step 5. Continue slicing until you have enough slices for your desired purpose.

Step 6. Remove each slice from the bread slicer with caution, careful not to cut yourself when handling the blades.

Step 7. Once finished, turn off the bread slicer and clean it thoroughly before storing it.

Slicing Different Types Of Bread

Different types of bread require different slicing techniques. Let’s explore some common bread varieties and how to slice them:

Slicing Artisan Bread: 

Use a long, serrated bread knife for artisan bread with a thick, crusty exterior.

  • Start by slicing off the heel of the loaf, then use a gentle sawing motion to cut through the crust without crushing the tender interior.
  • Slice at a slight angle to create more attractive slices.

Slicing Sandwich Bread:

When slicing sandwich bread, aim for uniform thickness to ensure your sandwiches are well-balanced. You can use a bread slicer or a sharp, serrated knife to achieve even slices. Remember to apply gentle, consistent pressure while cutting.

Slicing Baguettes and Ciabatta: 

  • For long, narrow loaves like baguettes and ciabattas, it’s best to cut them into smaller sections first.
  • Then, hold the bread securely and use a serrated knife to slice the bread at an angle, creating diagonal slices. This will give you more surface area for spreads and toppings.

How Many Slices Come In Loaf Of Bread?

The amount of slices in a loaf of bread will vary depending on the size and type of loaf you have chosen. A traditional standard-sized white or wheat bread typically yields anywhere from 12 to 24 slices, while artisanal loaves may come in varying sizes and shapes with an average range of 8-16 slices per loaf.

Some specialty breads like focaccia and ciabatta may even have fewer slices. Many loaves will come with pre-sliced lines to indicate how many slices each loaf contains. For example, a 1-pound loaf may be divided into 16 thin slices. It’s always best to check the packaging before you purchase a loaf of bread to get an accurate estimate.

How Many Calories Are In One Slice Of Homemade Banana Bread?

The calories in a slice of homemade banana bread can vary depending on the recipe and ingredients used. However, a general estimate is approximately 267 calories per slice for an average-sized slice. This includes about 8.4g of fat, 4g of protein, and 39g of carbohydrates. Additionally, a slice will provide 1.7g of fiber and 19mg of sodium.

How Many Calories Are In 2 Slices Of Brown Bread With Peanut Butter?

The amount of calories in two slices of brown bread with peanut butter will depend on the type and brand of bread and peanut butter you use. Generally speaking. However, two slices of plain brown bread (90 g) with 2 tablespoons (32 g) of peanut butter contain around 403 calories. This includes 13 g fat, 56 g carbohydrates, and 16 g protein.


What is the best way to store sliced homemade bread?

Store sliced homemade bread in a bread box or airtight container at room temperature to maintain freshness. Avoid storing bread in the refrigerator, as this can cause it to become stale faster.

How can I prevent my bread knife from becoming dull?

To keep your bread knife sharp, only use it for slicing bread and other soft baked goods. Avoid cutting hard or frozen items, which can dull the serrated edge. You can also use a knife sharpener designed for serrated knives to maintain their sharpness.

Can I freeze homemade bread after slicing it?

Yes, you can freeze sliced homemade bread. Wrap each slice individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, and store them in a resealable plastic bag. This will help maintain freshness and prevent freezer burn.

Why is my homemade bread difficult to slice?

If your bread is difficult to slice, it could be due to several factors, such as an overly dense crumb structure or a gummy interior. Make sure to allow your bread to cool completely before slicing, and ensure your bread knife is sharp and appropriate for the bread you’re cutting.

Can I use an electric knife to slice homemade bread?

Yes, an electric knife can be used to slice homemade bread, especially if you have difficulty using a traditional serrated knife. However, be sure to use a gentle sawing motion and avoid applying too much pressure to prevent crushing the bread.


How To Slice Homemade Bread - Infographics
How To Slice Homemade Bread – Infographics

Slicing homemade bread may seem daunting, but with the right tools and techniques, you can easily master this skill. From choosing the perfect bread knife to understanding how to slice different types of bread, you’ll soon enjoy perfectly sliced homemade bread with every meal.