Do Pull Through Knife Sharpeners Work?

Yes, pull-through knife sharpeners work, and they can be a convenient and effective solution for maintaining the sharpness of your kitchen knives. They are designed to be user-friendly, quick, and safe, requiring minimal effort compared to other sharpening methods. Ideal for those with limited experience or time, these sharpeners incorporate preset angles and multiple sharpening stages, eliminating much of the guesswork and manual labor involved in knife sharpening.

How To Use Pull Through Knife Sharpener?

Clean the Knife
Clean the blade thoroughly to remove any food residue or grime

Step 1: Clean the Knife: Clean the blade thoroughly to remove any food residue or grime. This ensures the sharpener won’t get clogged.

Step 2: Identify the Sharpening Slots: Pull-through sharpeners typically have two slots: coarse sharpening (often labeled ‘Coarse’ or ‘Hard’) and fine honing (typically labeled ‘Fine’).

Start with the Coarse Slot
Position the base of the knife blade in the slot.

Step 3: Start with the Coarse Slot: Start with the coarse slot if your knife is dull. Position the base of the knife blade in the slot. The sharpener will have a guide that positions the blade at the correct angle.

Step 4: Pull-Through Slowly: Apply moderate pressure and pull the knife through the slot towards you, maintaining the blade’s contact with the sharpener. The motion should be smooth and steady, like slicing a piece of bread.

Step 5: Repeat the Process: A few pulls are usually required to sharpen a dull knife. However, do not overdo it. Depending on the sharpener and knife, around 5-10, pulls may be enough.

Switch to the Fine Slot
You can refine the edge using the fine slot.

Step 6: Switch to the Fine Slot: Once the knife is sharp, you can refine the edge using the fine slot. Use the same pulling technique as before but with less pressure. This process hones the blade and smooths out any roughness left by the coarse slot.

Clean the Knife
After sharpening, clean the knife again

Step 7: Clean the Knife: After sharpening, clean the knife again to remove any metal filings from the sharpening process.

Test the Sharpness
Test the knife on a piece of paper or tomato

Step 8: Test the Sharpness: Test the knife on a piece of paper or tomato to ensure it’s sharp. If it’s not as sharp as you’d like, repeat the process.

Remember, every pull-through sharpener might have a slightly different process or features, so it’s always best to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. And always be careful when handling sharp knives to prevent injuries.

Benefits Of Pull Through Knife Sharpeners


You don’t have to be a whizz in the kitchen to use a pull through knife sharpener. Their design is simple, and they’re extremely easy to use. Simply pull the knife through the slots, and voila! Your blade is as good as new.


In today’s fast-paced world, we’re all about convenience. With pull through knife sharpeners, you don’t need to spend ages trying to restore your knives to their former glory.


Most pull through sharpeners are small enough to fit in a drawer or pocket. This makes them perfect for chefs on the move, outdoor enthusiasts, or anyone who might need to sharpen a blade in a pinch.

Different Types Of Pull Through Knife Sharpeners

1. Manual Pull Through Knife Sharpeners

These are the most common type. They require manual operation, meaning you pull the knife through the sharpening slot.

2. Electric Pull Through Knife Sharpeners

As the name suggests, these use electricity to speed the sharpening process. They’re a tad more expensive but can be handy for those with a large collection of knives to maintain.

Drawbacks of Pull Through Knife Sharpeners

Despite their benefits, pull through knife sharpeners do have some potential downsides. For instance, they can remove more metal from your blade than necessary over time. Also, some models might not be suitable for all types of knives.


Do pull through knife sharpeners work on all types of knives?

Most pull through knife sharpeners work on a variety of blades. However, some may not be suitable for serrated or very delicate knives.

How often should I use a pull through knife sharpener?

This depends on how frequently you use your knives. As a rule of thumb, a knife used daily should be sharpened weekly. 

Are pull through knife sharpeners safe to use?

Yes, they are. However, as with any tool involving a blade, caution is necessary.

Is a pull through knife sharpener better than a sharpening stone?

Each has its benefits. Pull-through knife sharpeners offer convenience and speed while sharpening stones allow for more control and precision.

How do I clean a pull through knife sharpener?

Most models can be cleaned with a damp cloth. However, always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Do pull through knife sharpeners damage knives?

If used correctly, they should not damage your knives. However, excessive use could potentially wear down the blade over time.


Do Pull Through Knife Sharpeners Work - Infographics
Do Pull Through Knife Sharpeners Work – Infographics

Pull-through knife sharpeners work and can provide an efficient and practical solution for keeping kitchen knives sharp. They offer simplicity and convenience, particularly appealing to those with limited sharpening skills or time. However, while they can help maintain an existing edge, they may not deliver the exceptional precision and edge retention that other more professional sharpening techniques can. Overuse or improper use can also potentially damage a knife blade.