Tomato Slicer Regular Blades vs. Scalloped Blades

The choice ultimately depends on your specific needs in the debate between tomato slicer regular blades and scalloped blades. Regular blades offer efficiency and versatility for slicing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Scalloped blades, on the other hand, provide added precision, particularly for larger tomatoes. Both options are designed for easy cleaning and offer safety features. Consider your slicing preferences and the types of products you’ll be working with to make the best choice for your kitchen.

Tomato Slicer Regular Blades: Efficiency and Clean Cuts

Tomato Slicer Regular Blades Efficiency and Clean Cuts
Commercial Tomato Slicer 3/16″ Heavy Duty Tomato Cutter

Features and Benefits

Straight 1/4-inch Blades:

The tomato slicer’s regular blades are designed with straight 1/4-inch blades that ensure clean and precise cuts without damaging the delicate skin of tomatoes. These blades are also suitable for slicing fruits and vegetables like strawberries and mushrooms.

Positive-Stop Arm:

The slicer is equipped with a positive-stop arm, which provides stability and helps in achieving smooth and consistent cuts. It keeps the slicer sturdy while operating the push-through slicing mechanism, ensuring a hassle-free slicing experience.

NSF-Approved High-Density Polyethylene Base:

The tomato slicer’s regular blades feature a non-corroding high-density polyethylene base that is approved by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation). This material is durable and long-lasting and easy to clean, making maintenance a breeze.

Versatile Slicing:

With the regular blades, you can slice a variety of fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, and more. This versatility allows you to prepare ingredients for various dishes quickly and efficiently.

Five Times Faster:

Compared to manual slicing, the tomato slicer with regular blades can slice produce up to five times faster. This time-saving feature is especially beneficial in high-volume kitchens or when preparing large quantities of sliced tomatoes or other fruits and vegetables.

Safety Guard Included:

The regular blades come with a safety guard, adding an extra layer of protection during operation. This guard helps prevent accidental injuries, ensuring a safe slicing experience.

How It Works

Place the Tomato:

Start by placing the tomato on the slicer. Make sure the tomato is centered and positioned properly for optimal slicing.

Positive-Stop Arm:

The positive-stop arm plays a crucial role in achieving clean and uniform slices. With the tomato in place, use the arm to hold it firmly against the blades. This arm provides stability and ensures that the tomato remains in position during the slicing process.

Push the Slicer:

With a secure grip on the positive-stop arm, push the slicer forward, applying gentle and even pressure. The sharp blades will slice through the tomato smoothly and effortlessly, thanks to their precise 1/4-inch width.

Enjoy Uniform Slices:

As you push the slicer through the tomato, you’ll witness perfectly uniform slices emerge from the other end. These slices will have clean edges and won’t require any pre-scoring of the skin.

Why Choose Regular Blades?

Quick and Efficient Slicing:

Regular blades are designed to offer quick and efficient slicing. They allow you to easily prepare various fruits and vegetables, saving you valuable time in the kitchen.

Suitable for Uniform Tomato Slices:

Regular blades excel in creating uniform slices of tomatoes. Whether you’re making salads, sandwiches, or other dishes, the consistent thickness of the slices ensures a visually appealing presentation.

Easy to Clean and Maintain:

The tomato slicer with regular blades is designed for easy cleaning and maintenance. The non-corroding high-density polyethylene base can be easily wiped down or washed, while the blades can be cleaned with warm soapy water. This simplicity makes it convenient to keep the slicer in top condition.

Durable Construction:

The regular blades are crafted with durability in mind. Their sturdy construction ensures they can withstand frequent use without losing their sharpness or efficiency. This long-lasting performance makes them a reliable tool for your kitchen.

Tomato Slicer Scalloped Blades: Efficient Slicing with Added Precision

Tomato Slicer Scalloped Blades Efficient Slicing with Added Precision
Tomato Slicer Scalloped Blades

Features and Benefits

Scalloped Blades:

The tomato slicer with scalloped blades is designed to create precise 1/4-inch slices without the need for pre-scoring the tomato skin. The scalloped shape of the blades allows them to pierce the skin before slicing, making the slicing process easier and preventing the fruit from being smashed.

Largest Slicing Area:

This slicer boasts the largest slicing area in the industry, providing ample space for efficient and effortless slicing. With the generous slicing area, you can quickly process a larger volume of tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, and more.

Thermoset Blade Frames:

The scalloped blades come with thermoset blade frames that resist corrosion and do not require adjustment. This feature ensures the longevity and performance of the blades, even when exposed to tomato juice and other acidic substances regularly.

Sturdy Sled-Leg Base:

The slicer is equipped with a sturdy sled-leg base, offering stability during operation. The base includes a detachable table stop, providing additional security and preventing the slicer from moving while slicing.

Versatile Slicing:

The scalloped blades are not limited to tomatoes alone. They are suitable for slicing a variety of fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, mushrooms, and more. This versatility makes the slicer a valuable tool in the kitchen for different slicing needs.

Straight Blades (Sold Separately):

For added versatility, straight blades are available as a separate option. These blades can be interchanged with the scalloped blades, allowing you to customize the slicer based on your specific slicing requirements.

How It Works

Place the Tomato
Place the Tomato in slicer

Place the Tomato:

Begin by placing the tomato on the slicer, ensuring it is centered and aligned properly for slicing.

Scalloped Blade Piercing:

The scalloped blades are designed to pierce the tomato skin before the rest of the blade comes into contact. This piercing action makes slicing easier and ensures clean, precise cuts without damaging the skin.

Push the Slicer Forward:

With the tomato in position, push the slicer forward, applying steady and even pressure. The scalloped blades will glide through the tomato, resulting in perfectly sliced sections.

Obtain Clean Slices
Get uniformly sliced tomatoes

Obtain Clean Slices:

By pushing the slicer forward, you can achieve uniformly sliced tomatoes without the need for pre-scoring the skin. The scalloped blades ensure clean edges and consistent thickness for each slice.

Why Choose Scalloped Blades?

Scalloped blades offer several advantages when it comes to slicing tomatoes and other produce. The detailed information on why you should choose scalloped blades for your tomato slicer:

Ideal for Larger Tomatoes:

Scalloped blades are specifically designed to handle larger tomatoes and produce up to 3 1/2 inches in size. If you often work with bigger tomatoes, these blades are the perfect choice as they can effortlessly slice through them with precision.

Precise and Uniform Slices:

Scalloped blades provide precise and uniform slices without damaging the delicate tomato skin. The scalloped shape of the blades allows them to pierce the skin first, ensuring clean cuts and preventing the fruit from being squashed during slicing. This feature is particularly important when presentation and aesthetics matter, as it delivers visually appealing slices every time.

Resistant to Corrosion:

The scalloped blades are constructed to resist corrosion from tomato acids and other acidic substances. This ensures the longevity and durability of the blades, even with repeated exposure to tomato juice and similar acidic elements. You can rely on these blades to maintain their sharpness and performance over time.

Detachable Table Stop and Sturdy Base:

The slicer with scalloped blades comes with a detachable table stop and a sturdy base for enhanced stability and security. The detachable table stop prevents the slicer from moving during operation, ensuring consistent slicing results. The sturdy base further adds to the stability of the slicer, reducing the risk of accidents or wobbling during use.


 Can I slice other fruits and vegetables besides tomatoes?

Yes! The regular blades are versatile and can slice strawberries, mushrooms, oranges, and more.

Is it safe to use?

Absolutely! The slicer comes with a safety guard for added protection during operation.

Can I clean it in the dishwasher?

Yes, the regular blades are dishwasher-safe for convenient cleaning.

Can I use it for other fruits and vegetables?

Yes, the scalloped blades can slice strawberries, mushrooms, and similar products with ease.

How do I clean the scalloped blades?

The one-piece pop-in pop-out blade assembly is easy to clean and maintain.

Is it suitable for professional kitchens?

Absolutely! The tomato slicer is NSF listed and designed for commercial use.


When it comes to choosing between regular blades and scalloped blades for your tomato slicer, it all depends on your specific needs and preferences. Regular blades offer efficiency, clean cuts, and versatility for various fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, scalloped blades provide added precision, especially for larger tomatoes, and resist corrosion for long-lasting performance.

Key Notes and Important Points

  • Tomato slicer regular blades provide efficient and clean cuts.
  • Scalloped blades offer efficient slicing with added precision.
  • Regular blades are versatile, while scalloped blades are ideal for larger tomatoes.
  • Both types of blades are easy to clean and maintain.
  • Safety guards are included for protection during operation.
  • NSF-approved, high-density polyethylene bases resist corrosion and extend the life of the slicer.
  • Straight blades are sold separately for the scalloped blade model.
  • The slice size for both types is 1/4 inch.
  • Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.
  • Manufacturer offers a 2-year limited warranty.

Pros And Cons, Similarities And Differences:

Here’s a 5-column table comparing the pros/cons and similarities and differences between Tomato Slicer Regular Blades and Scalloped Blades:

Tomato Slicer Regular Blades Tomato Slicer Scalloped Blades
Pros – Efficient and clean cuts – Precise and uniform slices
– Versatile for slicing various fruits and vegetables – Ideal for larger tomatoes and produce up to 3 1/2 inches in size
– Safety guard included for added protection – Resistant to corrosion from tomato acids and other acidic substances
– Cuts tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, and more – Detachable table top and sturdy base for stability and security
– Easy to clean and maintain
Cons – Does not offer the same level of precision as scalloped blades – Not as versatile for slicing other produce
Similarities – NSF-approved, non-corroding high-density polyethylene base – NSF-approved, non-corroding high-density polyethylene base
– Cuts tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, and more – Cuts tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, and more
– Safety guard included for added protection – Safety guard included for added protection
– Easy to clean and maintain – Easy to clean and maintain
Differences – Straight 1/4-inch blades – Scalloped blades that pierce the tomato skin for precise slicing
– Slices five times faster than by hand – Ideal for larger tomatoes and produce up to 3 1/2 inches in size
– Versatile for slicing various fruits and vegetables – Resistant to corrosion from tomato acids and other acidic substances
– Does not require pre-scoring the tomato skin – Detachable table stop and sturdy base for stability and security

References And Citations:

Here are some suggested external links for the above article with corresponding anchor text:

  1. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation):
  2. Corrosion Resistance:
  3. Safety Tips for Tomato Slicing