How To Cut A Watermelon?

Cutting a watermelon might seem intimidating due to its size, but it becomes a straightforward task with the right tools and technique. It begins with choosing a ripe watermelon, washing the exterior to remove any potential contaminants, and having a sturdy cutting board and a sharp knife at hand. Various methods can be used depending on how you want to serve the fruit, whether in wedges, cubes, or scooped into balls. Mastering this skill can enhance your enjoyment of this delicious, refreshing fruit, making incorporating it into your summer meals and snacks easier.

How To Pick A Rip Watermelon?

How To Pick A Rip Watermelon
Pick a Perfect Watermelon

Ripe watermelons are sweet and juicy and make for a delicious snack. To pick a ripe watermelon, look for one that is heavy for its size and free of bruises or cuts. Check the underside of the watermelon, which should have a creamy yellow color if it’s ripe. Avoid any with a dull or whitish-gray underside.

Thump the watermelon and listen for a deep hollow sound, which indicates it’s ripe and ready to eat. The watermelon is not ripe if the sound is dull or muffled. Watermelons with thin, light green stripes are more ripe than dark ones.

How To Cut A Watermelon Into Triangles?

Step 1: Start by washing your melon with cold water and mild natural soap before cutting it.

Use a sharp knife to cut the watermelon in half
Cutting watermelon in half

Step 2: Use a sharp knife to cut the watermelon in half. You can use an electric knife or a serrated fruit knife if you don’t have one.

Cut each of the two halves
Cut into two halves

Step 3: Cut each of the two halves into wedges.

Cut each of the wedges into several triangles
Cut into triangles

Step 4: Cut each of the wedges into several triangles by cutting along the diagonal of each slice, leaving at least 1/2 inch between each triangle.

How To Cut A Watermelon Into Cubes?

How To Cut A Watermelon Into Cubes
Cutting A Watermelon Into Cubes

Step 1: Start by washing your watermelon to prevent contamination and ensure it is safe.

Step 2: Slice off the ends of the watermelon, then cut it down the middle lengthwise.

Step 3: Place one half of the watermelon flat on a cutting board and slice it into 1-inch thick slices.

Step 4: Cut each slice into cubes and cut through the rind.

Step 5: Scoop out any remaining seeds in the cubes using a spoon or melon baller, discarding them as you go.

Step 6: Place your cubes onto a plate and enjoy.

How To Cut Watermelon Wedges?

Step 1: Place the watermelon on its side and cut off each end using a sharp knife.

Step 2: Stand the watermelon up and cut it in half lengthwise.

Step  3: Slice each of the halves into thirds or fourths, depending on how large you want your wedges to be.

Step 4: Place one-quarter of the watermelon flat on a cutting board and make 1/2-inch slices horizontally down the length of the piece.

Step 5: Turn the quarter slice over and cut it into whichever shape you desire, such as cubes or wedges.

Step 6: Repeat steps 4-5 with each of the remaining quarters until the watermelon is cut into wedges.

How To Cut Watermelon Sticks?

Step 1: Wash the watermelon and cut off both ends.

Step 2: Stand the melon upright, then cut its length into two halves.

Step 3: Cut each half in half again so you have four watermelon segments.

Step 4: Slice those sections into 1-inch thick pieces.

Step 5: Cut each piece into sticks approximately 3 inches long.

Step 6: Scoop out the seeds and discard them if desired.

Step 7: Serve your fresh watermelon sticks with a dip or enjoy them as is!

How To Cut A Watermelon Into Balls?

Step 1: Gather the necessary tools: a sharp knife and a large spoon or melon baller.

Step 2: Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise, with the cut going through the middle from top to bottom.

Step 3: Place one of the halves of the watermelon flat on a cutting board. Start at one end and use the knife to cut slices approximately one inch thick.

Step 4: Cut each slice into even pieces, keeping them about an inch wide.

Step 5: Place the chunks of watermelon in a bowl using the spoon or melon baller.

Step 6: If desired, you can use the remaining rind to create fruit salad bowls or discard them.

How To Cut A Watermelon Into Stars?

Step 1: With a sharp knife, cut off the top and bottom of the watermelon so that it sits flat on the cutting board.

Step 2: Slice off the skin in sections by inserting your knife at an angle to remove as much of it as possible.

Step 3: Cut the peeled watermelon into thick slices, about 1-2 inches thick.

Step 4: Place a slice on the cutting board and use a star cookie cutter to cut stars from each slice.

Step 5: Continue cutting stars until you’ve used all the watermelon slices.

Step 6: Serve the stars in a bowl or arrange them on a plate and enjoy!

How To Cut A Watermelon Into Stacks?

Step 1: Cut off the stem and bottom of the watermelon so it sits flat on a cutting board.

Step 2: Slice the watermelon in half lengthwise

Step 3: Cut each half into four equal quarters by slicing parallel to the original cut you made in Step 2.

Step 4: Place one-quarter of the watermelon in front of you on the cutting board.

Step 5: Cut each quarter into three slices parallel to the original cut you made in Step 2.

Step 6: Cut each slice into four equal stacks by slicing it perpendicular to the original cuts you made in steps 2 and 5.

How To Make A Watermelon Basket?

Step 1: Slice off the top of a watermelon with a sharp knife, and discard it.

Step 2: Place the melon on its side, and cut a thin slice from the middle to ensure it’ll fit on your serving tray.

Step 3: Cut off the bottom of the watermelon so it rests flat on the chopping board.

Step 4: Use a melon baller to scoop out balls from the flesh of the watermelon until you have enough for your basket.

Step 5: Cut some thin rind strips, ensuring each strip is about 1 inch wide and 6-7 inches long.

Step 6: Arrange the rind strips on a flat surface to form the shape of a basket with eight sides. Secure them in place by weaving a piece of kitchen twine or string back and forth between each strip.

Step 7: Carefully pick up the basket, using both hands to hold it steady, and place it on your serving tray.

Step 8: Fill the basket with the melon balls, and serve immediately.

How To Make A Watermelon Boat?

Step 1: Start by cutting the watermelon in half lengthwise.

Step 2: Slice off a thin layer from the rounded side of each half so that they can sit level.

Step 3: Make four vertical slices at equal distances around the circumference, but not through to the other side – keep them connected at the base.

Step 4: Make four horizontal slices inside each vertical cut, also not all the way through – keep them connected at both ends.

Step 5: Insert a spoon between the flesh and the rind of each slice, making removing the flesh in one piece easier.

Step 6: Carefully scoop out the flesh and cut it into cubes, placing them in a bowl.

Step 7: You should have two boat-shaped rinds once all the flesh has been removed.

Step 8: Fill your watermelon boats with frozen fruit, yogurt, or ice cream for an extra special treat.


Can I store cut watermelon in the fridge?

Yes, you can store cut watermelon in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

How can I tell if my watermelon has gone bad?

A watermelon that has gone bad will have a sour or fermented smell and a slimy texture and may develop mold. Discard any watermelon showing these signs.

Can I freeze watermelon?

You can freeze watermelon cubes or balls on a baking sheet and then transfer them to an airtight container. Frozen watermelon makes a great addition to smoothies or can be enjoyed as a frosty snack.

What can I do with the leftover watermelon rind?

Watermelon rind can be used in various recipes, such as pickled watermelon rind or stir-fry. Remove the green skin and any remaining pink flesh before using it in recipes.

How can I prevent my cutting board from slipping while cutting the watermelon?

Place a damp cloth or paper towel underneath the cutting board to provide traction and prevent it from slipping.


How To Cut A Watermelon - Infographics
How To Cut A Watermelon – Infographics

Cutting a watermelon is a simple process that requires some practice. Whether you prefer wedges, cubes, or balls, the key to cutting a watermelon lies in a sharp knife, a steady hand, and patience. Once you’ve mastered these techniques, you can enjoy this nutritious and refreshing fruit in various ways, making it a perfect addition to your meals and snacks, especially during the warmer months.