How To Use A Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer

To use a Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer, start by cutting off the top and bottom of the pineapple. Align the slicer’s core with the center of the pineapple’s top and apply gentle pressure while rocking it back and forth to core the pineapple. Lift the slicer to reveal cored pineapple halves, then use the protective lid to press down and remove the slices. The Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer is designed to make coring, peeling, and slicing pineapples a breeze, providing you with perfectly prepared slices in no time.

About the Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer

Pineapple Wedger
Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer

The Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer is a versatile kitchen tool designed to make the process of coring, peeling, and slicing pineapples a breeze. With its innovative features and durable construction, this slicer offers a convenient solution for pineapple lovers.

Product Specifications

  • Blade Material: The slicer features sturdy and rust-resistant stainless steel blades, ensuring long-lasting performance.
  • Brand: The Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer is a product from the reputable brand Pampered Chef.
  • Dimensions: The item dimensions are 9.88 x 7.28 x 1.69 inches, making it compact and easy to store.
  • Weight: Weighing only 0.55 pounds (8.8 ounces), the slicer is lightweight and comfortable to handle.
  • Handle Material: The handles are also made from durable stainless steel, providing durability and a sleek look.
  • Dishwasher Safe: The slicer is dishwasher safe, offering convenience and ease of cleaning.
  • Manufacturer: The Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer is manufactured by Pampered Chef, a trusted name in kitchenware.

How to Use the Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer?

Here are the steps of using this handy tool, from selecting the perfect pineapple to enjoying the juicy, sweet slices.

Selecting the Perfect Pineapple: Tips for Ripe and Flavorful Fruit

Selecting the Perfect Pineapple
Perfect Pineapple

Focus on how it feels

When it comes to choosing a pineapple, the texture is a key indicator of ripeness. Follow these steps to select a pineapple with the perfect feel:

  1. Firmness: A ripe pineapple should feel firm when gently pressed. Avoid overly hard or soft pineapples, as they may not be at their peak ripeness.
  2. Slight “give”: When you squeeze the pineapple, it should have a slight “give” or yield to pressure. This indicates that the fruit inside is juicy and ready to be enjoyed.

Give it a sniff

The aroma of pineapple is another important factor in determining its ripeness. Use your sense of smell to identify a perfectly ripe fruit:

  1. Sweet tropical scent: Take a quick whiff of the pineapple near the stem. A ripe pineapple will have a sweet, tropical aroma that evokes thoughts of paradise. This fragrance is an excellent sign of optimal ripeness.
  2. Strong or lack of fragrance: If the pineapple has a strong, overpowering smell, it may be overripe or fermented. On the other hand, if the pineapple lacks any noticeable fragrance, it may indicate that it’s underripe and not yet ready for slicing.

How to Use?

Prepare the pineapple

Before the pineapple-slicing process, you need to prepare the fruit.

  1. Cut off the top and bottom: Using a sharp knife, remove the top and bottom of the pineapple, where it attaches to the plant. This will create a stable base for slicing.
    Cut off the top and bottom
    Cut off the top and bottom of pineapple

Align the slicer

Proper alignment of the Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer ensures smooth and efficient slicing.

  1. Place the pineapple on a cutting board: Set the pineapple upright on a stable surface like a cutting board.
  2. Align the slicer’s core: Position the slicer’s core directly over the center of the pineapple’s top. This will ensure accurate and centered coring.
    Align the slicer
    Align the slicer’s core

Core the pineapple

Now it’s time to core the pineapple using the Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer.

  1. Apply gentle pressure: Firmly hold the slicer’s handles and apply gentle pressure while pushing it down into the pineapple. The sharp blades of the slicer will effortlessly cut through the fruit.
    Apply gentle pressure
    Apply pressure on slicer
  2. Rock the slicer back and forth: Once the slicer is inserted into the pineapple, rock it back and forth. This rocking motion will help the slicer move through the pineapple, effectively coring it.

Remove the pineapple slices

Remove the pineapple slices
Remove the pineapple slices

After successfully coring the pineapple, it’s time to remove the slices and separate them from the core.

  1. Lift the slicer: Carefully lift the slicer out of the pineapple, keeping it upright to prevent the juice from spilling.
  2. Place the protective lid: Take the protective lid that comes with the slicer and align it with the slicer’s opening. Ensure that it sits securely.
  3. Press down and remove the slices: With the protective lid in place, press down firmly. This action will push the slices out of the slicer, allowing them to separate from the core.

Utilize the entire fruit

Don’t let any part of the pineapple go to waste. Consider these tips for utilizing the entire fruit:

  1. Freeze the core: If you’d like to enjoy a refreshing pineapple-infused beverage, freeze the core for later use. Adding frozen pineapple cores to water can create a flavorful and hydrating drink.
  2. Use the pineapple slices creatively: The slices can be used in various ways. Try grilling them for a unique recipe twist, or enjoy them as a delicious standalone snack. They also make a delightful addition to fruit salads or can be incorporated into both sweet and savory dishes.

Pineapple’s Nutritional Benefits: A Tropical Treat for Your Health

Pineapple's Nutritional Benefits
Health Benefits of Pineapple

Rich in Vitamins

Pineapples are more than just a delicious fruit; they are also a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential vitamins. Here’s a closer look at the vitamins found in pineapples:

  1. Vitamin C: Pineapples are an excellent source of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system and promoting collagen production for healthy skin and connective tissues.
  2. Vitamin A: Pineapples are also rich in vitamin A, which is essential for good vision, a healthy immune system, and proper cell growth and development.
  3. Vitamin B6: This vitamin is important for brain development and function and the production of neurotransmitters that regulate mood and sleep.
  4. Vitamin K: Pineapples contain vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and plays a role in maintaining bone health.

Abundant in Antioxidants

Pineapples are packed with antioxidants, which are compounds that help protect your cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Some key antioxidants found in pineapples include:

  1. Vitamin C: As mentioned earlier, pineapples are an excellent source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and supports overall cellular health.
  2. Bromelain: While technically an enzyme, bromelain also exhibits antioxidant properties. It helps reduce inflammation, supports immune function, and aids in digestion.


Another notable health benefit of pineapples is their digestive properties, primarily due to the presence of an enzyme called bromelain. Here’s how pineapples can contribute to a healthy digestive system:

  1. Bromelain: This enzyme helps break down proteins in the digestive system, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption. It may also help alleviate certain digestive issues, such as bloating and indigestion.
  2. Fiber: Pineapples contain dietary fiber, which adds bulk to the stool and promotes regular bowel movements, aiding in overall digestive health.


Should you remove the pineapple core
Removing the pineapple core

Should you remove the pineapple core?

It is safe to eat the core of a pineapple. Although it may be slightly denser and less juicy than the rest of the fruit, there’s nothing unsafe about consuming it.

Why do people throw away the pineapple core?

Many people discard the pineapple core because it tends to be tougher and less flavorful compared to the surrounding flesh. However, by doing so, they miss out on essential vitamins and nutrients present in the core.

How do you wash a pineapple before cutting
Rinse the pineapple under running water

How do you wash a pineapple before cutting?

It’s a good idea to rinse the pineapple under running water before cutting it. This simple step ensures that the shell is clean and ready for slicing.

Do you rinse pineapple after cutting it?

Once you’ve cut the pineapple, there’s no need to rinse the flesh again. The protective shell acts as a barrier, keeping the fruit clean and ready to enjoy.


The Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer is a game-changer when it comes to effortlessly coring, peeling, and slicing pineapples. With its easy-to-use design and sharp stainless steel blades, you can transform a whole pineapple into perfectly prepared slices in just a few simple steps. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually cutting and peeling pineapples, and say hello to quick and convenient pineapple enjoyment. Whether you’re creating a tropical fruit salad, adding a twist to your recipes, or simply indulging in a refreshing snack, this pineapple slicer will become your go-to tool in the kitchen.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Pampered Chef Pineapple Slicer simplifies the task of coring, peeling, and slicing pineapples in one easy step.
  • When selecting a pineapple, focus on its firmness and fragrance.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions for using the pineapple slicer to effortlessly create perfectly sliced pineapples.
  • Don’t discard the pineapple core—consider using it in beverages or grilling.
  • Pineapples are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and digestion-aiding enzymes.

Pros And Cons

Pros Cons
Effortless slicing: Quickly core, peel, and slice pineapples in one easy step. Limited to specific fruit sizes: Recommended for medium to large pineapples.
Easy grip handles: Ergonomic design provides a comfortable and secure grip. Additional storage space: The slicer may require some storage space in your kitchen.
Protective lid: Helps prevent accidents and keeps the blades covered when not in use. Requires manual force: Slicing may require some physical effort and pressure.
Stainless steel blades: Sharp blades ensure clean and precise slicing. Additional cleaning required: The slicer needs to be cleaned after each use.
Versatile usage: Can also be used on other fruits and vegetables like pears, cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. Initial learning curve: May take a few attempts to master the slicing technique.

References And Citations:

  1. Health benefits
  2. vitamin C
  3. Antioxidants
  4. Bromelain