How To Peel Potatoes?

Potatoes are a versatile and delicious staple in many cuisines around the world. One of the essential steps in preparing potatoes for various dishes is peeling them. Potatoes can be peeled with a knife or with a potato peeler. Learning the proper way to peel potatoes is a great skill to have in the kitchen. Peeling potatoes can be tedious and time-consuming when done improperly, but with the proper technique, it doesn’t have to be.

Why Peel Potatoes?

Why Peel Potatoes
Why should you peel potatoes
  • Unpeeled potatoes spoil faster, so peeling them helps to extend their shelf life.
  • Peeling potatoes can reduce the amount of toxins, such as solanine, that could be present in the skin.
  • The skin on potatoes can sometimes be tough and bitter, so peeling it off is preferable.
  • The texture of peeled potatoes is softer than unpeeled ones, making them easier to mash and roast.
  • Peeled potatoes make for more visually appealing dishes, such as mashed potatoes or potato salad.
  • Without the skin, you can also get a better flavor from other ingredients mixed with the potatoes.
  • Peeled potatoes cook faster, so they are easier to use in recipes.
  • Peeled potatoes can help reduce the time and effort needed to prepare a dish.

How To Peel A Potato With A Knife?

Step 1. Start by washing the potatoes under cold water and using a scrubber to remove dirt or debris.

Cut off small bits of skin from the potato with a sharp paring knife.
Cutting off small bits of skin

Step 2. Cut off small bits of skin from the potato with a sharp paring knife. Make sure only to take off thin pieces of the skin.

Step 3. Slice into the potato slightly but not too deep, and keep the knife parallel to the potato.

Move your knife in a circular motion
Move your knife in a circular motion to peel off

Step 4. Move your knife in a circular motion until you have removed all the skin from the potato.

Step 5. Rinse off any excess pieces of skin that remain on the potatoes before cooking or serving them.

How To Peel Potatoes With A Potato Peeler?

Step 1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with water and a vegetable brush to remove any dirt or residue.

Step 2. Cut off both ends of each potato, then slice it lengthwise into quarters.

Hold one-quarter in your non-dominant hand
Hold one-quarter of potato

Step 3. Hold one-quarter in your non-dominant hand with the skin facing up.

Place the potato peeler against the top of the skin
Place the potato peeler on top of the skin

Step 4. Place the potato peeler against the top of the skin and use a sawing motion to remove it in one continuous strip slowly.

Step 5. Continue peeling all four-quarters of each potato until all skin is removed.

Step 6. Rinse off your peeled potatoes with cold water to remove any remaining pieces of skin.

Step 7. Your potatoes are now ready to use.

How To Peel Potatoes After Boiling?

Step 1. Place the boiled potatoes into a clean bowl or onto a cutting board and cool for 5 minutes.

Step 2. Use a paring knife or vegetable peeler to remove each potato’s skin carefully. Make sure you work around the circumference of each potato to ensure all of its skin is removed.

Step 3. If desired, cut away any imperfections in the potato with your paring knife.

Step 4. Once all the potatoes have been peeled, you can either store them for later use or prepare them for cooking.

Step 5. To store peeled potatoes, immerse them in cold water and keep them in an air-tight container or resealable bag in the refrigerator. The potatoes should last for up to 2 days.

Step 6. To prepare peeled potatoes for cooking, dice or slice them as desired and season accordingly.

How To Peel Sweet Potato Without A Peeler?

Step 1. Start by cleaning the sweet potato. Rinse it over running water and scrub any dirt or debris with a stiff brush or cloth.

Step 2. Cut off both ends of the sweet potato so you are left with an even, cylindrical shape. This will make it easier to hold while you peel it.

Step 3. Score the skin of the sweet potato with a sharp knife. Make shallow, vertical cuts from end to end that are only about 1/4-inch deep.

Step 4. Put the sweet potato into a pot of boiling water for 4-5 minutes or until the skin begins to separate from the flesh slightly when you press it with your finger.

Step 5. Remove the sweet potato from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a bowl filled with cold, ice water. This will stop the cooking process and make the skin easier to handle.

Step 6. Take a paring knife or vegetable peeler and begin peeling away at the scored areas of skin, slowly working your way around the sweet potato.

Step 7. Once you have peeled away all of the skin, use a vegetable brush to remove any stubborn bits still attached to the sweet potato, if desired.

How To Keep Cut Potatoes From Turning Brown?

Step 1. When you cut them, place the potatoes in a bowl of cold water with some lemon juice or vinegar.

Step 2. Make sure to change the water every 15 minutes or so and submerge the potatoes throughout the entire time you’re prepping them.

Step 3. Another method is to brush the potatoes with a bit of olive oil.

Step 4. For larger batches, rinse them off in a colander and then submerge them in cold water with some lemon juice or vinegar before proceeding with the recipe.

Step 5. You can also try adding a pinch of salt to the water – it helps keep the potatoes white.

Following these steps will help prevent your potatoes from turning brown and keep them looking nice and fresh.


Is it better to boil potatoes with or without skin?

It is most efficient to boil potatoes with the skin on. Boiling without peeling prevents nutrients from leaching out, reduces cooking time, and preserves flavor and texture. On the other hand, you can also peel potatoes before boiling them if you prefer a smoother result. Just keep in mind that they may take longer to cook when peeled.

What knife is best for peeling potatoes?

Using the right knife is important for a successful potato peeling experience. The best knife type is one with a thin, sharp blade. A thin blade will give you more control over your cutting and allow you to peel off thin layers without wasting too much of the potato. A sharp edge will also help you cut through the potato’s skin without any trouble.

Can you peel potatoes in advance for a salad?

Yes, you can peel potatoes in advance for salad. To ensure they do not discolor, place them in a bowl of cold water immediately after peeling and refrigerate. Before using them in your recipe, drain the potatoes and pat them dry with paper towels or cloth before adding to your recipe. This will help keep the potatoes from becoming too watery.

Are oxidized potatoes safe to use?

Yes, oxidized potatoes are safe to use. However, some of the nutritional value may be lost due to oxidation. It is best to peel off any discolored or browning skin before cooking the potatoes and discard it. If you choose not to peel the potatoes, cooking them with their skin on and enjoying their flavor and nutrition is still possible. To ensure that the potatoes are thoroughly cooked, it is best to cut them into smaller pieces before boiling or roasting them.

Is it safe to eat potato skins?

As long as the potatoes are thoroughly washed to remove dirt or chemicals, potato skins are safe to eat and provide added nutritional benefits.

Is it necessary to peel potatoes?

It depends on the dish you are preparing and your personal preference. Some people enjoy the texture and added nutrients from the skin, while others prefer the smoother texture of peeled potatoes.


How To Peel Potatoes - Infographics
How To Peel Potatoes – Infographics

Peeling potatoes is a simple and efficient way to prepare them for cooking. Ensure you use the right tools, rinse the potatoes thoroughly, and keep your fingers safe with the proper grip. You can quickly and easily peel potatoes for your next meal using the correct techniques and safety precautions. Whether you’re preparing a side dish, mashed potatoes, or french fries, the proper peeling techniques will give you the best results.