Difference Between Cheddar And Mozzarella Cheese

Cheddar and Mozzarella are both popular kinds of cheese. Each has a distinct taste, texture, and application that makes them special. Whether it’s the elastic pull of Mozzarella on a pizza slice or the sharp tang of Cheddar on a cracker, they both have their own charm.

What Is Cheddar Cheese?

What Is Cheddar Cheese
Cheddar cheese

Cheddar cheese is a widely popular and versatile type of cheese that originated from the village of Cheddar in Somerset, England. Today, it’s produced and enjoyed worldwide. Known for its firm texture and varying levels of sharpness, cheddar cheese adds a flavorful punch to a variety of dishes.

The cheese is made from cow’s milk and gets its unique flavor from a process called cheddaring. During this process, the curds are cut, heated, and then carefully pressed to remove the whey. The curds are then stacked and turned repeatedly – a step unique to the production of cheddar cheese.

What Is Mozzarella Cheese?

What Is Mozzarella Cheese?
Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella, a popular Italian cheese, is a soft, white cheese with a mild flavor. It’s traditionally made from buffalo milk but is now often made from cow’s milk. Its iconic stretchy quality is due to a unique process called pasta filata.

Differences Between Cheddar And Mozzarella


Cheddar is usually off-white or orange, whereas Mozzarella is classically white. This color difference is often due to the types of milk used and how the cheeses are processed.

Milk Used

While Cheddar can be made with a variety of milk, including cow’s, goat’s, and sheep’s milk, Mozzarella is traditionally made with buffalo’s milk, although cow’s milk versions are widely available.


Cheddar cheese is aged anywhere from a few months to several years. The longer it’s aged, the sharper the flavor. Mozzarella, on the other hand, is eaten fresh and typically isn’t aged for more than a few days.


Cheddar has a firm, smooth texture while Mozzarella is softer and more elastic.


Cheddar cheese hails from England while Mozzarella originated in Italy.


Cheddar is often sold in blocks or pre-shredded, while Mozzarella can be found in balls, braids, or even pearls, often stored in brine or whey.

Nutritional Values

Cheddar contains 9g fat, 110 kcal, and 180mg sodium per serving. Mozzarella contains less, with 6g fat, 80 kcal, and 150mg sodium. However, both cheeses have equal protein content, 6g per serving.


Cheddar is typically more affordable, while Mozzarella can be more expensive, especially when made with buffalo milk.


Cheddar is great for sandwiches, soups, and gratins. Mozzarella shines in Italian dishes, particularly pizza and Caprese salads.


Cheddar has a robust, tangy flavor. Mozzarella is mild, slightly salty, and milky.


Both kinds of cheese melt well, but Mozzarella has a stretchy, stringy melt, while Cheddar melts smoothly.


Cheddar has a strong, pungent smell, whereas Mozzarella has a light, fresh smell.

Do Cheddar And Mozzarella Go Together?

Do Cheddar And Mozzarella Go Together
Mix Mozzarella And Cheddar

Yes, Cheddar and Mozzarella cheese certainly do go together. Combining these two types of cheese in cooking can create a sublime symphony of flavor and texture. When used on a pizza, for example, the result should be a beautifully golden, tantalizingly cheesy delight, bursting with taste. The Cheddar contributes its rich, sharp tang, while the Mozzarella imparts that characteristic stretchiness, enhancing the overall mouthfeel and bite of the dish.

Cheddar vs. Mozzarella: Which Is Better For Pizza?

While Mozzarella is a classic choice for pizza thanks to its subtle flavor and stretchy melt, Cheddar can be used in smaller amounts to add a sharp and slightly bitter taste. Experimenting with a blend of both can lead to a delightfully cheesy pizza experience.

Substitutes For Cheddar Cheese

  • Colby: Originating from the United States, Colby is a semi-soft cheese that bears a resemblance to Cheddar in terms of its appearance and texture. It’s less tangy and slightly more creamy and sweet compared to Cheddar but can serve as a substitute in most recipes where the texture is more critical than the exact flavor.
  • Monterey Jack: This cheese is your go-to option when you’re looking for a cheese that melts just as well as Cheddar. Monterey Jack has a mild flavor and melts smoothly, making it a fantastic substitute for Cheddar in recipes like nachos and quesadillas. It might not have the same tang, but it can mimic Cheddar’s melting behavior well.
  • Aged Gouda: For those who love the tangy sharpness of aged Cheddar, aged Gouda can step in as a substitute. A product of the Netherlands, aged Gouda possesses a similar tang and sharpness to aged Cheddar. It has a robust, sweet, and nutty flavor that deepens with aging and a firm texture that can substitute Cheddar’s consistency.

Substitutes For Mozzarella Cheese


Here are a few other cheeses that could step into the role of Mozzarella in a pinch:

  • Provolone: This Italian cheese shares its homeland with Mozzarella, and it also shares Mozzarella’s superb meltability. Provolone offers a slightly stronger, smoky flavor that can add an extra dimension to dishes. It is an excellent alternative in sandwiches and pizza, where its meltability and flavor can shine.
  • Edam: Hailing from the Netherlands, Edam is a semi-hard cheese known for its firm yet slightly springy texture, similar to Mozzarella. While its flavor might be a touch more nutty and savory, it’s a great stand-in when the texture is key in your dishes.
  • Fontina: This versatile Italian cheese melts beautifully, much like Mozzarella. Its slightly stronger flavor, characterized by a mild nuttiness, makes it a delightful addition to dishes like lasagna and baked pasta, where you might usually find Mozzarella.
  • Burrata: If you’re looking for a touch of luxury, Burrata is an excellent choice. This unique cheese features a thin Mozzarella shell encasing a creamy center. While it might not be the best for melting, its exquisite creaminess makes it a delicious substitute in fresh applications like salads or appetizers.

Pros And Cons Of Mozzarella Cheese


  • Rich in Protein: Mozzarella is a fantastic source of high-quality protein, which is vital for muscle growth, tissue repair, and a multitude of bodily functions.
  • Low in Sodium: Mozzarella is relatively low in sodium compared to many other cheeses, making it a better choice for those looking to manage their salt intake.
  • Good Source of Calcium: Like all dairy products, Mozzarella is high in calcium, which is crucial for bone health and essential metabolic functions.
  • Low in Calories: When it comes to cheese, Mozzarella is on the lighter side, with fewer calories per serving than many other varieties.


  • High in Saturated Fat: Despite its benefits, Mozzarella is high in saturated fats, which can contribute to higher cholesterol levels if consumed excessively.
  • Low in Other Nutrients: While high in protein and calcium, Mozzarella doesn’t provide as broad a nutrient profile as other cheeses.

Pros And Cons Of Cheddar Cheese


  • Delicious Flavor: There’s no denying it , Cheddar is downright tasty! Its sharp and tangy flavor can enhance any dish.
  • Good Source of Protein: Like Mozzarella, Cheddar is a high-quality source of protein.
  • Rich in Calcium: Cheddar offers a hearty dose of calcium, key for maintaining strong bones and teeth.
  • Long Shelf Life: Properly stored, Cheddar has a longer shelf life than many other cheeses, making it a great pantry staple.


  • High in Sodium: One downside to Cheddar is its high sodium content, which can contribute to high blood pressure if consumed excessively.
  • High in Saturated Fat: Cheddar, like Mozzarella, is high in saturated fats.


What kind of cheese does Pizza Hut use?

What kind of cheese does Pizza Hut use
Pizza Hut Cheese

Pizza Hut uses a blend of Mozzarella, Cheddar, and Monterey Jack.

Which cheese is Amul cheese?

Amul is an Indian brand that produces various types of cheese, including Cheddar and Mozzarella.

How can Mozzarella cheese aid weight loss?

Mozzarella is lower in calories and fat compared to many cheeses. But remember, moderation is key!

Can I use cheddar cheese in lasagna?

Can I use cheddar cheese in lasagna
Lasagna with Cheddar Cheese

Yes, you can. It adds a rich and tangy flavor. But, be mindful of its high sodium content.

Can I make cheddar cheese at home?

Yes, with the right equipment and ingredients, you can make cheddar cheese at home.


Cheddar and mozzarella cheese are both popular dairy products but they have significant differences. Cheddar is known for its sharp, tangy flavor and firm texture, while mozzarella is mild with a soft, stretchy texture. This makes cheddar great for sandwiches and gratins, and mozzarella an excellent choice for melting on pizzas and pasta dishes. However, individual preference and the specific requirements of a recipe will ultimately determine the best choice between these two versatile cheeses.

Key Points: 

  • Cheddar and Mozzarella are both popular cheeses with distinct characteristics.
  • Cheddar is typically aged, sharp, and tangy, while Mozzarella is fresh, soft, and stretchy.
  • Cheddar and Mozzarella can be used together in many dishes, including pizza.
  • Both cheeses have good substitutes if unavailable.
  • While both kinds of cheese have pros and cons health-wise, they can be part of a balanced diet.