How To Get The Most Out Of A Meat Slicer?

A meat slicer is a vital Food preparation machine in a commercial or residential kitchen. This modern electric machine can shorten the preparation time.

Heavy-duty slicing machines are widely used in meat or butcher shops. It is regarded as a meat slicer, but it can also be used for slicing vegetables and cheese, roast, bread, cold meats, and more.

Benefits By Using a Meat Slicer

Benefits By Using a Meat Slicer
Using a Meat Slicer

The commercial meat slicers are equipped with a premium quality blade that can effortlessly slice boneless meat, venison, beef, and mutton. They are capable of slicing without breaking down natural muscle fiber structures. A slicer will make it for you whether you want a thick, thin jerky-style cut.

Basic Tips and Tricks for Getting the Most of the Meat Slicer

  • For maximum performance, place it on top of a stable and level surface. Keep away from heat and water.
  • Always wash slicer parts with hand because they are not dishwasher safe. Otherwise, the slicer components will get damaged.
  • Sharpen its blades 1-2 times in a year, so they do not become dull.
  • Making the most from meat slicers required some special cleaning and maintenance. Clean the machine frequently if it is a heavy-duty machine; clean it after every four hours.
  • Using slow and controlled motion will provide you with even cuts and save wear on your machine.
  • Cut the food at a cooler temperature and avoid cutting warm or fully frozen food.
  • You must know different blades. You must be aware of which blades you should use for a specific food.
  • Lubricate the parts frequently for better performance.
  • Properly clean your machine. Clean and wipe with a soapy cloth, and thoroughly clean the blades. Steel wool can damage its metal parts.
  • Set the thickness to zero when the slicer is not in use.
  • Always unplug the machine when not using it.
  • Keep out of reach of the children.
  • Wear safety gloves and glasses while sharpening.
  • Never push meat with bare hands.
  • Lock the blade when not in use.
  • After using the machine, clean all the parts thoroughly.
  • Do not use steel wool on the slicer’s metal parts.
  • Clean with a rag.
  • Never indulge in water.
  • Do not try to slice fully frozen meat.


Does it cut frozen meat?

Yes, it can. Please thaw it into semi-frozen before slicing.

How do you sharpen the blades?

You can sharp yourself. Maybe the flat blade if you have a sharpener or take it to a professional.

Which blade do you use to slice bread? Does it work well with both thick and thin crust bread?

Serrated blade for bread. As long as the bread is not still hard, it can be sliced.

Can it cut through bones?

No, it cannot cut through bones.

How to keep meat from sticking to the blade?

When slicing meat, does not apply too much pressure on a slicer.

Are Meat Slicers Worth It?


How to get the most out of meat slicer - Getsliceright Infographic
How to get the most out of meat slicer – Getsliceright Infographic

Following the above tricks and tips, you can get the most out of the meat slicer. Indeed, Slicers are a cost-saving, time-saving, and multitasking product that is a good kitchen investment. With proper cleaning and maintenance, you can use it for a long time.